Hello There, One of the best specialist that I know would mostly do you good, is an Osteopath. I would suggest that you make an appointment with one. Until you see the Osteopath, do this acupressure...
Hello Lisa, Sorry to hear that you have been having this problem this long. I just found this site and I will try to help a lot of you out there with different problem. I am a Special Massage...
Hi There, Sorry to hear that you have this type of problem and I have one question for you which is: " are you a chocolat eater? ". If so, I would suggest that you stop eating any types for a while....
Hello There, I would suggest that you see an Osteopath. They are doctors too but they have extra knowledge about Dislocated and / or Pinched Nerves. You could have some of those problems in your...
Hi There, You should have not waited this long as this is serious business. You should make an appointment with your doctor ASAP. I am not trying to scare you but health problems are always taken...