Im starting topamax for about the 5th time in my life. I have chronic migraine due to lyme and babesia. They are easily triggered by foods and environmental allergies as well. The reason this is my...
and that klaire labs not kirkman and its one thats dairy free. just wonder if it dont work after 2.5 years on it...
I take that 100 billion + from kirkman but theres just something about my body holding on to yeast as it has for around 6 years right around the time i had mercury fillings unsafely removed. im...
Whats so funny is i took 5 drops a day for a few weeks. I truly noticed a difference in head inflammation. I really had no clue it could be that herb working. I even had a week that I was able to...
What herbs do you take for bart?...
My pain is on the bottom of my feet but not arches more on the perimeter of my upper soles....
Thank you. I added back the houttyunia today to my current lyme and babesia treatment. I may add in some japanese knottweed. I dont have any of the rashes nodules or anxiety that everyone talks about...
So I have lyme and babs and been treating. Never tested postive for bart with a regular lab. I have had every symptom under the sun of babs and lyme but a few im not sure that are related are tmj,...
when you say tingling do you ever feel like things are dripping or crawling in your head? I have lyme and babs but just dont know about bart. I certainly have symptoms but they all overlap. I am...
Can the only bart symptom be really bad foot pain and itchiness with some headache and tmj, and food allergies and sensitivities? ive been treating lyme and babesia for a while pretty heavily but...
I have babesis ducani. i got ear pain and pressure with artimisinin but also with mepron and zithro and crypto plus. I really think its a babesia symptom/herx...
so interesting to me as i am currently treating babesia. Negative for MTHFR but swear if i did not eat i would not be as sick! and i eat a diet free of gluten, soy, corn, tomato, dairy, nitrates, msg...