Dear all, Have any of you been exposed to Magnetic Resonance? I was last week, for a shoulder problem, I adviced the doctor but they told me that their machine was compatible with de Amplatzer device...
Good nigth to all of you. As you probably read Inhad my POF closure on 2011. After that I continue to have short of breathness and heart pain with minimun exercice and with the fligth presure...
Hi montanajoe! Dont worry, for me it was 4 months to start having days without shortnbreatness, 1 day good, other bad, then a week good and some days bad, then 2weeks fine...6 months after the...
Hi Montanajoe! Sorry for the delay of my answer, I fell quite well when I not flying or traveling by bus or train. I have been flying this month, and felling preasure and pain specially when landind,...
Hi! i am a 36 years old woman, having closure of POF on february 2011, before the closure I have shortness of breath during exertion since I had a liver stroke 4 years ago. Before that I used to...