I don't do opid shot I do non-steroidal anti-inflammatory turdal I think it is called. Also sometime a shot of steriods is enough to break the cycle. I was just wondering about propranolol because...
I am so so tired. I have had a migraine since the 5th of March. My doctor gave me soem new meds and it has helped the pain. i am wondering if I should go in for a shot just to try to end the cycle....
It didn't happen all at once but gradually the vicidion became less effective and started making me nausea. I hvae a doctor's appt on Wed next week. Because of this and also my daily headaches are...
how does bio feedbackwork? I was interested in doing this but unfortunatly my isurance doesn't cover bio feedback or pain managment....
I wanted to say I am not taking pain killers constantly I get 20 pills a refill and that lasts me 3 to 4 months. so 5 pills a month. I get migraines during my cycle sometimes mildly and sometimes...
well I want to but I have been through almost all the preventitives. I can not take imetrex or any compound similar because I can have a stroke. I was on amitriptilyn & the other one. Isomnia and...
I get super emtional as well. I can't tell if it is the migraine itself or the pain killers. And I only get anxiety around my migraines.No other time...
What are some of the other syptoms you get along with migraine? Sometimes I get certain things like stomach problems & anxiety right before a migraine. I have woken up anxious in the middle of the...
So I have basilair migraines and basically the only thing that works that won't give me a bad reaction is taking pain killers. I have been on vicodin for abourt 5 years now but lately it doesn't work...
I do sometimes when I have one coming my skin is so senstiive it's almost painful....
I really was his PA that was bad. they really did over medicate me. I am on Yasmine a low estrogen BC. I that it for three months straight. Then off a week then three months. It seems like I get a...
I can't have artifical sweetners either or MSG....
Ok. to answer your question I was going to a headache specialist but I had a bad experience there. I am senesitive to medicines so I had an episode that landed me in the ER due to reactions to meds....
I have been to a neurologist several in fact. I have had ever test MRI, MRA, EKG, EGG etc... I can not tolerate a lot of preventitives and cannot be on drugs like Ralpax (ergot drugs I think they are...
It seems to me my Miraines come in cycles. I'll have a bout of really bad migrianes for a couple months. Than I am fine for a while maybe a small migraines and than I have a bad bout again. Is anyone...