Hi ecveryone well I was migrane free for three months and it felt pretty good. Then I had trouble sleep walking\eating in middle of night without a clue the next day. I mean I put on 2o pounds in the...
I also use imitrex injection and at first I feared the sight of giving myself a shot, but my pain gets so bad with my migraines I don`t hardly feel the needle. If you try the injection let someone...
I also suffer with cluster/migraine headaches along with vomiting, heavy sweats, facial twitches, and ice pick pain on one side of my head. I`ve been on a number of preventive med`s and nothing seems...
I`m so glad the combo is working for you. How long have you been on this combo and how much Topamax are you taking? I was also on Topamax 150 MLG , but could not tolerate the side effects. I am also...
I have rumbling all the time also and yes this is very annoying but most of the time it does mean a trip to the bathroom shortly after the rumbles....