You really do have to be careful with a heart condition for sure. I hope your appointment in June is helpful and that you leave with a prescription for relief. Sometimes I can litterally stay up all...
Thank you so much! I will check out that website as well as the research you mentioned. There was an article in our paper yesterday about a local young woman who controls her MS without meds and with...
That's a great idea Gretchen. I am going to start back tracking now to when I think symptoms began - starting with the weird eye episode in 94. I can even get the hospital records for that because it...
I can't think of any OTC meds that would help with the twitching, unless maybe Robaxacet or Robaxacil? I don't know where you live, or if you have these meds available to you where you are, but they...
I can relate to this also. I have a 25, 20, 13 and a 10 year old who is autistic and has other special needs as well. It scares me to think about whether or not I will have enough time to function...
Wow, thanks you two - this forum has such a warm feel to it. I am on so many medications right now, and have been for a long time. Right now I am on: flexerol 2 x daily which is supposed to be a...
Wow, Gretchen thanks, I hadn't heard about the rigid diagnostic criteria here, I mean I knew it was rigid but figured it was universally so. That would explain why my GP talks to me as though I have...
Hi Gretchen 1; Thank you for replying so quickly. I have a GP that I see every week. He refuses to refer me to a neurologist, even after having physiotherapists write letters to him telling him that...
Hi Kat 13; I don't have an official diagnosis yet, but I can say that I also have terrible migraines, and do not tolerate light very well at times. I have been known to walk around indoors with sun...
Can someone define "nystagmus" for me? Does this have something to do with eyes jumping around or not staying still? This is one of the main reasons that I had finally went on a sick leave. I was a...
Hello everyone. I am new here. Just reading through all of the posts has really helped me. I am in the midst of waiting for answers as to my symptoms, and had a negative mri scan last fall, (brain...