I keep Daisy at a dairy farm up the road from me, the farmer has two teams of draft horses, and hisgrand daughter is a gifted young horsewoman. Unfortunately, her beautiful old quarter horse died...
The Haflinger is a breed of the horse that I am the proud owner of. They are a small draft horse, they look like a small belgain draft. Daisy is the love of my life....
I have been on Copaxone since last May. I had a flare last fall, and went through the IV steroids. The mri of my brain has shown the lesion has grown, I have a feeling I will be switched on my next...
My Neurologist put me on Provigil, sometimes it helps, sometimes itdoesn't. On the days it doesn't nothing gets done, I feel useless, get depressed, it is a nasty circle....
Hi, the "crawly things" for me, are definitely ms related. I had optic neuritis in 2003, but was not put through the diagnostic tests, except the mri, until last year. I held out on the spinal until...
I am new here, so hello everyone. I have had ms since 2003, well, that was when I had ON in both eyes, the first symptom I couldn't blow off! I have been on Copaxone since last May. Brain lesion...