I'm not sure what med your nerologist is wanting to put you on, but I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and my Dr. feels that Capaxone will be the best fit for me. I have insurance, but it is not the best....
I am newly diagnosed, but I had numbness in my legs and it kept creeping up my body 6 months ago. I went to the doctor & new numbness is not a big deal without an MS diagnosis. The doctor thought I...
I too hate doctors & hate the bills that come along with going to see them. My only advice is don't ignore your body. I was having muscle spasms a few months ago and started on some vitamins. The...
Hello all. I was diagnosed with MS 2 weeks ago today. To say that it was overwhelming and scary would be an understatement. I am 39 and the first symptom I had was 6 months ago. On my MRI over 50...