Hi, I don't know much about your situation except for your symptoms. Are you getting a decent amount of sleep every night? Are you under any stress? Do you have to resort to caffeine to keep going...
Hi Lee, I was diagnosed with MS in 2003 and have been dealing with stress related fatigue for over 17 years now. I am not a doctor so I am purely speaking from my own experience. Yes, it is possible...
Hi Lisa, I think you should insist on another MRI at a facility that will do a better quality job. There are no guarantees that it will prove that you have MS but I would do that first before even...
Hi Greg, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Sometimes I think the cognitive losses are one of the hardest symptoms to deal with. Anyway, I say don't look for a partner, look for a friend. If...
Hi Rhonda, If you're having an exacerbation or even a flair that's causing your symptoms, it's likely a red flag meaning no matter what you are normally required to do, you need to rest and sleep if...
Hi Rhonda, I have a question. Did your daughter begin having the pain before or after beginning on the asthma medication? I don't know anything about what type of med she's taking but wonder if...
Hi, I have a friend with PPMS and I've watched her go through so much. It's hard sometimes knowing so many people with MS and not be able to do anything to help because my fatigue is too much for me...
Dear uppitycats, As I'm sure you know, adrenal disease has been around for a long time. Doctors have always been trained to go by the morning cortisol test believing that if the cortisol levels are...
Hi all, I was diagnosed with MS in 2003. Since then I have discovered that I suffer from a condition called adrenal fatigue (adrenal insufficiency). I think it way have been what was wrong with me...
Hi All, I was diagnosed with MS in May of 2003. I have been on LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) as treatment since 2004. It helped me to stop my progression and got me to where I am today. I was on the...
Hi Judy, I also have MS and a condition called adrenal insufficiency. I actually never thought of Celiac for me...my daughter has had a number of symptoms that originally the doctors thought was...