Oh and one more question. If you have an MRI right when you first start experiencing symptoms is it likely that nothing would show up? Assuming that this hasn't been creeping up on him slowly for a...
Hey everyone... hopefully someone out there remembers me... it's been about a month or two. Uppitycats? :) Well, I got a job, about a month later my s/o quit his job. He couldn't call in anymore and...
I have heart pain & palipations that came out of nowhere for about two weeks now. I'm 23 year old female. The pain sometimes wakes me up in the middle of the night. It comes and goes, but when it...
Yep it's the requip. He didn't have trouble for most of the day. I think it's because he usually takes it at 8:30 in the morning, but he kept "forgetting" today until 4:30, now he's asleep It's 5:39...
He seems to be doing better today. As far as staying awake and he ate a little. Which has me wondering if him "getting worse" has to do with the requip medicine he's taking. For restless legs. BUt...
The [b]scott white clinic (which I had never heard of before) so I called the [color=red>neuro] this morning to ask for information about[b] the scott white clinic that (she said four times was in...
Also, when we had blood work done at the hospital for the neuro I went to the hospital and got copies of the results. The neuro told us she kept calling and calling, and they hadn't sent them yet. By...
Thank you, that was sweet. I let him know all the time "see people care, they post back all the time, they take time to read what's going on" We are kinda isolated. No big support network or social...
Wow, I just asked the same question about my s/o. I can relate to your problem, (but just as an onlooker, since I'm not sick myself) my s/o is going through the same thing. They are giving him the...
Well as far as I know only lead. And that's because he lives in an old house, (plumbing) and the paint is questionable and peeling. (which I understand is only a problem if he's eating them) He works...
tsh checks thyroid levels, I am told free t3 and free t4 as well as t3 and t4 are more specific tsh levels. Yes he has symptoms that could be attributed to his thyroid. His tsh was the only thing...
we are going to get him in to see another new doctor. This is my plan and you guys can tell me if it sounds good or what to change. I want to see if they will test for these things: ** free t3 &...
He has been sick for over 2 1/2 months. We have had a lot of blood work done before we seen her. Hematology, chemisty, and tsh level. The IMD has only done one round (hemaltology) and tested for...
Hope your spinal goes good! Keep us posted :)...
Just got off phone with nurse for imd. She said that the doctor wrote a letter stating that other than a viral infection she coudn't figure out what was wrong with him, and that she was sorry she...
He has not had a spinal tap yet. The neuro didn't want to to it until the internal medicine doctor looked him over good, in case it wouldn't be necessary. The MRI was of the brain only. His history...
Symtoms: All the time dizziness, (for the past 2 1/2 months) weakness all over. Weakness in hands and feet that comes and goes. Tingling in fingers. Sweating for no reason. Swallowing trouble...
My s/o has bpm over 100... the first one was 120, second one was on a ekg 104, then 104 then 100. He has not seen a cardiologist and his internal medicine doctor who he has seen only once so far does...
My s/o hasn't had a diabetes test. But his blood work showed his glucose high. Does that mean anything? It was 115, 107 & the other one I don't remember. these are his symtoms: Symtoms: All the...
Hello, I am new to the site. I have some questions.... 1.) does anyone know if it's possible to have an EEG while your asleep like in a sleep study? 2.) How long is the longest they will have you...