Hi every one! I'm a mexican girl, under Lyme disease treatment. But today this excellent news about two mexican scientists that finally descifred the MS causes!!! It a virus (varicela-zoster)!, wich...
Hi Turtle! Yes it sounds totally familiar to me: BUT let me ask you something: have you been tested for Lyme Disease? I was first diagnosed with MS until a neuroinmonologist told me the symptoms made...
Well, let me tell you i was misdiagnosed three months ago: the neuro said it was MS, and finally, another neuroinmonologist tested me for Lyme and i came back possitive! I don't live in the US (i'm...
Have you been Lyme disease tested?...
Hello Terri! I'm in Mexico City: three months ago i was wrongly diagnosed (by a neurologist) with MS... After that, a friend of mine (who has a causin that inmporved a lot with another doctor) took...