Barb, I am sorry ou had to deal with uncomfortable side effects from TYSABRI. I know from the last 14 months of taking it myself, It is pretty scary when a side effect comes up. But, I also am so...
Wow, What a miraculous story!! I Love hearing stories like this! These are the reasons we are to have Faith and Hope. I hope someday we too can have a story like this! Thankyou for sharing this, it...
Thanks for your kind words. Please post tomm when you get lab results, My prayer for you is that 'whatever it is' That they can find it and help you wherever needed. I do hope its just one thing. But...
Photo girl, I Hello, I was just browsing and read your post, and I see your about do for your next tysabri! I have been on mine for alittle over a year now. And I noticed you mentioned You had the...
Oh my, I just re-read My post, I feel the need to apologize for all my typos, Im just so tired today! Anyhow, Gretchen, Thanks for the kind reply. I think each and every one of us, are an ispiration...
Hi Tydna, I know what you mean about being a nervous wreck about the waiting. I happen to be not-so-patient when it comes to BEING a patient! Mine usually take 1-3 working days. Usually If I dont...
Hahaha Oops, My computer did a odd thing just now, no clue how it post that so many times...or how to delete the extras!! Im so sorry!...
Hello, Again, I have been looking around this site, I LOVE IT!!!! I love seeing how I am not the only one. But Seeing as you asked, I will have to force my positive experience. But Im gonna have to...
Hi Kiera, I read parts of this, and I am also heat sensitive...I think that is part why ihave so many new lesions. I live in California. Love the desert life, But I have now moved to the mountains...
Hi Kiera, I really am knew to these rooms, and so I have been trying to get to know some of you just by reading you bulletins. I have already come to like you! ;) I was just curious, Is this Dr. who...
Ebarb, I just read your original post, and from the date you posted this in OCT. I was wondering if you had seen your new Neurologist, and If you havefound you do in fact have MS. I hope this finds...
Haha I do not dress My twins the same, I think My son would hold a grudge if he looked like his sister! haha They are fraternal! They were actually My third pregnancy. We had two girls and were...
Wow, I would call and speak to someone else besides the Nurse and get them to have the Dr. call you directly. Explain you can't get in and out of a car by yourself, so you cant come in personally....
Hi, I am new to this site, but not exactly new to MS...Diagnosed on 02 in the first trimester with my twins. My first attack was complete paralysis from the waist down. Couldnt use many ove those...