the other topics. Its hard becuase I normally am very vocal on how I feel and he is closed off,.I asked him if there was something I can inprove on or do for him to make him feel better. But he says...
Well I am bi polar and married with 2 beautiful girls and a step-son. I have been married to my husbend for 4 years and it has definitly been a rollar coaster. I was also diagnosed with ulcerative...
THe baby is calling so I have to get off the computer but just wanted to say thanks and will be on tommorow!Very glad I found this sight.. Hopefully we can talk to tommorow.Good night..Rebecca...
What did the guy at convetec say bad about the minis??? Curious as I have not try'd them out yet.... What a fun process this is.....
No they didn't put me on any antibiotics and now I'm thinking that they should...As I still have some greenish stuff coming out.. JUst when you think your bum is getting better its still has...
it? I have to girls and would really love to have a boy but also afaid that there would be complications...Also the Gi said that it might be alot harder to get pregnant. I definelty would want to...
I could not belive that 2 1/2 months after my illie I keep getting this pain in my tush and then had a little blood then pain so went to my Gi and she said you have an abcess due to the mucos that...
I didn't try humaria because my GI said that most likely it might work for a couple of months but all it would do is by me time but she was sure that my colon would have to come out soon. So I...
Hi just read your post and wanted to say that I had UC and stuggled with all the med (predinsone,yuck, asacol and allgic to imuran and had 15 remicade infusion and that would have try'd the Humira...
hi everyone well I finally had it with my colon after being diagonosed with UC 4 years ago and January 8th 2008 had my surgery. The first couple of weeks where rough but now I am feeling so much...
Thank you, I have only been diagnosed for 6 months and the uc for 4 years,,, not on a mood stabilizer yet have tallk with doc. Which are you on for your chrons?Thanks Rebecca ...
Hi my name is Rebecca and I am 26 years old. I have a father who is bi-polar and was diagnosed for 18 years..Now I have been diagnosed... It is hard I am married to a man who is 36 years old.I have a...
I used canasa for two years and did good, sometimes thu i would feel constipated...Sorry but had no horrible side effects.......
Hey you asked if anyone has had problems with their teeth from predisone besides princesa and I'm here to say ive had major problems. I was diganosed with UC at the age of 17 and was put on a high...
I was diagnosed as soon as I became pregnant...Had no clue what was in store it was a challenge but I was very glad to have had my daughters however wound up in the hospital when my first daughter...
Its sad I have been diagnosed with uc and I have had three really bad flares with hospitalizations was steroid Dependant and was put on remicade. I have alot of joint and muscle weakness which I know...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif your issue. I have been in the hospital 3 weeks and I am having my gallbladder checked out here in 2 hours. I have UC and just found out I have C-diff. Have you had...