In changing your body shape, whether you want to get bigger, smaller,musclier, anything, exercise is only the tip of the iceberg. Diet is always key. If you want to lose weight the only way to do it...
Ha ha... Thanks. I am quite a bit older then my girlfriend actually, I am 22 (I am in England so it is legal and all above board - Her family love me too so it's not an illicit relationship :P). I...
Hi, thanks for the replies... If I can be any help to anyone I would be really happy. One thing I would like to ask is about the reversal surgery... My girlfriend has a colostomy which is the result...
Hi... Well, you are the same age as my girlfriend, in fact, she got her when she was 13 too and she is blonde so maybe you ARE my girlfriend! Lol! She has got a colostomy though, not an ileostomy......
Hi, My girlfriend has colostomy bag after being seriously assaulted a number of years ago. We have only just started dating and she is very self conscious about it. To me, it is neither here nor...