Roddiesgirl~ Oh my gosh! You poor thing... I thought that was extremely rare for a resection connection to come apart?? And twice?? My doctor told me that disconnects only happen in like a very...
Hello! At first, I would only notice a protrusion every once in awhile... especially if it was a period that I was using laxatives more than usual. Laxatives were the only way I could have a BM at...
I reread my post and let me stress! I in no way meant the first part of my post in a negative way, and I am very sorry that those who did undergo this surgery and had unsuccessful results had to go...
Hello, I saw you had posted on an old thread of mine when I was backing through the forum, trying to catch up on the last couple of months I've been a-wall. I also tried to locate a little bit of...
Hello all! It has been awhile since I have posted here! But, I know you all will be as welcoming as always. :-) After I was diagnosed a few months ago with my chronic constipation and rectal...
I was just wondering the same thing! I figured she would have been back on the forum by now... Hope all is well!...
See, that was my original assumption.. that the coffee/caffeine would give you an urgency to go like it does most healthy people.. I'm suprised to hear how many people could tolerate coffee...
When I had my defcagram, they had apparently missed my prplapse... I had every test under the sun, and it wasn't until my surgeon just LOOKED at my bum while I strained that he even had the slightest...
Lizzie- If you have had your TC, then I'm assuming they ran you through the sitz marker test. How were the markers placed in your system on the last day?? I'm wondering if there wasn't already an...
Ya'll are being a HUGE help!! /community/emoticons/smile.gif I really appreciate ya'll talking me through this... I guess yesterday was just all a big shock. It was nothing of what I expected to hear...
Amanda- I think my insurance might require a second opinion, so I think that's going to be inevitable. At first I was kinda annoyed by that fact, but now I'm kinda looking forward to talking to...
AND WTF that even after the surgery he says I'm still going to have muscle confusion.. I seriously doubt "therapy" is going to fix that... ugh. Sorry for venting so much but I REALLY appreciate you...
Well I'm trying to keep my hopes up.. My surgeon had some valid points.. Like when I had my sitz market test, I still had all the makers, but they had all settled primarily in the lower part of my...
How did you go from one situation to the next... Your surgeries were just under two years apart.. How often were you going back to the surgeon and updating him on your condition enough to where he...
I just wish I knew of cases where this was actually a SUCCESSFUL situation.....
Well I talked to him about time and stuff... Mine doesn't come out except when I a straining to go and it has never been so bad that I have had to physically push it back in, so he said 2 months...
Any luck?...
I keep trying and it brings up an error message.....
That would be great!...
Question... I can't remember your procedure exactly on the TC.. Since you had the rectal reconstruction, are they able to do your TC by connecting the intestine to the rectum?? Is that possible with...
Thanks for the feedback... though I wish the news had been better haha.. But it's good to know the truth. Ever since I've been home I've been researching and reading as much as possibly can on the...
Sorry, I meant to say I am having the last 6-8 inches of my colon removed in order to make room......
OKay... I met with my surgeon yesterday in what I thought was a confirmation appt. about having my colon removed. Last time I met with him he pretty much diagnosed me with colonic inertia and said he...
Yay! That makes me happy to hear! I know that people get frustrated with how frequently they have to be in the bathroom for awhile after surgery and well.. I know what coffee USED to do for me, so I...
OKay... I am a coffee ADDICT. To the point where I get bad migraines and irritibility if I don't have atleast 2 cups worth every morning.. and I usually have an afternoon pick-me up, as well. Too...
Atlanta, Ga area.....
Amanda- I'm SO glad for you that all went well and you're feeling less nerves!! I am actually familiar with this additional pump you speak of. /community/emoticons/smile.gif I met a woman at my work...
Phyllis- Thanks for the tip! I'll have to remember that. All my closest associates know what I am going through and they are very supportive... But I would like the running back and forth to the...
Johnny- Thanks for your post! That is the exact surgery that I will be having. I too passed the barium test and others, while failing miserably on the Sitz Marker test.. I still had every single...
Candyland- Oh, he is wonderful!! And he has been such a blessing to me! He has seemed like he genuinely cares throughout this entire ordeal and listens to everything I have to say. I don't know if...
Hopefully we can stay tough and not give in to those temptations! /community/emoticons/smilewinkgrin.gif I wish you the BEST of luck!! You'll probably get a lot more questions/worries answered...
Amanda- Thank you so much for your post!!! It makes me want to cry that people can truly relate to what it feels like to go through this physical and emotional trauma. I am so sorry that you and most...
Or even anyone that has had a laparoscopic colectomy (no bag). I would love to have stories/input/advice on that specific procedure... Thank you SO SO much!...
As I've been reviewing the boards, and I've noticed many people who had their surgery in Atlanta at Piedmont. My surgeon is Dr. Jay Singh, and I've even seen many of you say he did your surgery......
Misery- I really enjoyed your post.. It's so nice to know that despite immense complications, you still feel so positive about the experience. I know there are so many more awful things out there...
The December thing was a lot of different reasons... Not only do I work, but I'm enrolled in graduate school right now, which I've already paid for.. So I'd hate to have all that money go down the...
Thank you. /community/emoticons/smile.gif I do human resources for a manufacturing company... which makes my job 100% about people. Amazingly, I do well maintaining all my personal frustrations and...
Yes, I am 23. And I shouldn't say all my friends.. On a positive note, it is helped me understand who my true friends are, because I do have the friends that have been an AMAZING support system and...
Every day, I don't know which is worse... the physical discomfort or the emotional pain. I feel like every day I'm handed a box full of every negative emotion and feeling of self-loathing/pity...
I have had the opportunity to read a few of them and they seem VERY helpful! I just stumbled on this site late last night, and have read only what I have managed to sneak in throughout the day at...
Oh, and another question.. and my biggest (only) apprehension... As I stated, I'm only 23 and very healthy in every other aspect other than my colon/digestive issues and have had no previous...
September 22! That's just around the corner.. I'm sure you are nervous. But what a RELIEF at the same time! Especially with how long you've been dealing with it... I would LOVE to have the surgery...
Thank you all very much. /community/emoticons/smile.gif As far as the laxatives go, it's the strangest thing. I have been put on perscript ion lax at two different points- Amitiza, I believe. But...
Hello all, Let me start by saying I am SO relieved to find a group like this one because I have felt isolated through this whole ordeal. [img]/community/emoticons/cry.gif You all seem very...