I called in for my supplies today and I asked for medical adhesive spray, the person didn't know what I was talking about. Will you let me know the exact name this spay is called and who makes it?...
This medical adhesive spray, can that be order with ostomy supplies or is that something that can be brought at drug store?...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Has anyone experience trapped gas that starts around rib cage, travels to the lower back that make you bend over and want to cry cause you can't push anything out then...
Go get them checked out. I too had hemmies, one day I went to get them removed and that was where my tumor was hiding...yep cancer. Never would I have thought I would have cancer lurking within my...
I read in one of the ostomy magazines, that men should try buying pants a size bigger and use suspenders. The support group that I attend, their are three males with double ostomy one on each side. I...
It's a matter of personal choice. I started out with the paste, I think we all do. I have been using the seal now for two n half years. I use it every time I change my wafer, bout every 3 to 4 days....
No, I haven't discussed this with any of my doctors. I don't dare. My RA doc doesn't get it when I tell her about my colostomy pain. She wants to try me on vitamin infusion (that should make me feel...
I too have been wondering if I would qualify for disability. Not only have I been depress which started when I got rectal cancer, sport a colostomy for life. I have had many problems with it doc....
I have been around 4 awhile, just reading what others are going through. Now, I am in need of feedback...I have a re occurrence of a parastoma hernia and prolaspe. I had my first bout a yr. ago. I...
Thanks for responding..I was beginning to think I was loosing it. Yes, I did see another GI Doc. Said he could switch it to the other side but...it could happen again..I have in the pass used a...
I put new pic at photobucket journey_2005 passwd..krystal. I wanna kno if others have stomas and does the area look swollen like mine?? When it's that big...it's painful.. yes, i have spoken to the...
Am back /community/emoticons/smile.gif I posted new pics on photobucket..journey_2005 password krystal. Am just wondering..are there others out there that have stomas that look abnormal? I have...
Thanks for you input. I removed the pics from photobucket. Didn't really feel comfy havin them out....
Thanks 4 responding. It took awhile to figure out what I was doing, but I did it. The pics are posted at photobucket: journey_2005 freedom. warning pics are not pretty. As to the prolaspe, my doc...
Hello to all, New to site. I am hoping someone can shed some light as to what am going through. Yesterday made 3 years of rectal cancer survivor /community/emoticons/yeah.gif and it's been a long...
I am new to this site. i sport a colostomy going on 1 1/2 yrs. I too feel the buried stoma and has been going on since day one. I keep hoping one day it will be "normal". Right after my colostomy, i...