I agree, as well! I had problems with my bladder after surgery, but my problem was an abcess that attached itself to my bladder. I wore a catheter for several months, and then the urologist did some...
I had my ostomy reversal in March of this year, and have had several surgerys already to repair hernias where my ostomy site was. I've also had several more hernias show up in different parts of...
When I would have pain with mine, the heating pad was my best friend! I would call the doctor also, and I hope you feel better soon!...
I totally agree! It's bad when friends call and ask for medical advice!! If I only went to medical school........Just think of all the money I could be making!...
I feel so bad for you! I have been planning my next one since my surgery! I have several already, and I know how personable they are! Each one of mine tell a different season of my life. I hope that...
I know exactly what you are going through! In fact, I am having my third hernia repair surgery this Thursday since February! Mine is so big it looks like a baby's head. It is quite painful, and it is...