Hello Hodaya--Thank you for the warm welcome to the forum. I am so thankful for everyone's comments and support. I'm glad you are doing well with your ileostomy, and I have appreciated reading your...
Allie-- When you say "20 years of suffering...life is too short," you are right! I don't mean to imply there weren't periods of time when the symptoms were less intense or tolerable over those years,...
Rosemary-- Thanks for your input and thoughtfulness. I do recall now having read your history, and I truly have a great deal of empathy and admiration for you and all you have been through. I've had...
Hi Allie-- Thanks for the suggestions and support. My struggle has gone on for 20 plus years, and I only received the correct CI diagnosis (had to diagnose myself, first, then went to Mayo to confirm...
Requesting some help/direction... Hello! I'm new to the forum, and I'm looking for any info on colonic inertia for someone who has not opted for a colectomy (at least, not yet). I've struggled for...
Hello to all! I am new to the forum, after stumbling upon it when I looked up a question about the diagnosis of colonic inertia on google this morning. First, after having read through hundreds of...