Thank you so much for yr reply, I actually had the reversal on dec 13th 2010, and although I was really looking forward to the end result is has been nothing like i expected. People keep telling me...
Hi I was just wondering if anyone could tell me of any signs that i should look out for so that I know if maybe my reversal hasn't worked and I may need to think about going back to having a bag....
hi there, I know exactly what you mean, I had and sometimes still do get exactly the same pain in the same place although mine doesn't go to shoulders or back. I was really worried about mine as like...
hi anyone, I'm a 44yr old soman who had my reversal on the 13th Dec 2010, I had a total coloctomy in sept 2009 and first part of reversal op in june 2010. Where do i start...........I thought that...