I recently had an end sigmoid colostomy and had my rectum removed. I am about 2 1/2 mos past surgery, had to spend 17 days in the hospital due to complications with an abscess. My recovery was tough...
Thank you so much for you responses. I also had a STARR procedure 12/08, 2b followed by a blown muscle during surgery. A few wks later a fistula which incurred the ileostomy. Several mos later, the...
Disney, just made a post today. This is the first time she will be operating on me. She is doing a colostomy on March 18th. I feel like finally I am in good hands. Still doesn't make it easy. I'm so...
I am using Dr. Tracy Hull at CC. She is awesome!...
This will be my 10th surgery after a blotched bowel resection two and a half years ago. I had a temporary ileostomy a couple of years ago after developing a fistula from the initial surgery. I've...
Hi Kaycie, I'm so sorry your skin is so irritated. I had problems too & used the stoma powder and damped it with the protective barrier wipes. I found it was easier to remove the wafer while taking a...
I'm not sure if anyone here can help me. I havent been on the forum that long but you were all so helpful while I had my ileostomy, that I'd wished I found my way here in the very beginning. Does...
Thank you both for your replies. Lonielane, thank you for the suggestions of where to post for support. After the visit with my gastro dr, I've found out that it isn't truly colitis but protitis...
Sorry I have no idea where to really put this post so I hope this is ok since atm I am dealing with colitis. I had a combination of surgeries in December - the first included a STARR procedure for...
I just wanted to say how much I appreciate everything that everyone has said. I can't tell you what your words have meant to me. Thank you so much for all your kindness and support. Tina...
Thank you both for your support. PSA-Delhi, yes taking immodium twice a day plus canasa twice a day & questran 4 x's a day. The reversal was almost 2 mos ago, the colonscopy showed definite colitis...
I was just diagnosed with UC & proctitis in the last couple of wks....I don't even know enough yet or I guess have been so overwhelmed with everything of late, I haven't asked enough questions or...
I was abused for years by my step father. I've had several surgeries in the last few years due to internal damage. I found out last year that it was nothing short of a miracle that I carried a child...
I am so depressed & stressed out right now. After my ileostomy reversal, I was going 20 plus times a day. When I was in the hospital, the thought I had C-Diff, but that was negative...or it was...
Ohio thank you for replying. ((hugs)) if ok. I feel so stupid asking so much when I am so new. The surgeon said he'd take a good look to make sure the fistula is healing up. I'm a little...
I am scheduled to have my ileostomy reversed next Wed if the fistula looks healed enough. It was still 2 cm last wk during a test but did not look like it was going all the way thru to the front...
(((((((((Karen))))))))))) ((((((((((Kitt)))))))))))) Thank you...not many words right now...but thank you for yours, it means so much....
Caley honey thank you for all your advise. Esp the idea with writing it down right away. I actually have a stuffie that I can sleep with and a blanket that I love in the cold weather. Last night was...
Do you ever feel like you're pounding a worn path thru a place you've been a million times. It's so familiar and so etched in your brain that there are no more words left to describe it anymore. It's...
I don't sleep that well and any night I do, I'm still exhausted the next day. The pa's are worse at night and taking sleeping med sometimes makes me feel like I can't get out of the the horrible...
Honey, I was on zoloft too and didnt gain weight on it. for a while it made me a little nauseous but that wore off. good luck, i hope it helps you. tina...
Surgeon called and is hoping to reverse ileostomy in a couple of weeks. Had several fluroscopy tests this week that showed the fistula wasn't totally healed yet. He is hoping it is healed enough to...
sammies, safe hugs..... so happy to hear the procedure went well. wishing you well on your way to healing and healthier living. take care and get lots of rest, tina...
Oh and the convex wafers help the stoma stick out a little more making it less likely for anything to get under the wafer....
The stoma will shrink. It is always a little bigger in the beginning. The wafers are larger too but it begins to shrink pretty quickly. Mine went down to 7/8". I had to switch to the convex wafers...
Thanks Ohio No, no fever. Hadn't had bloodwork since I was last in the hospital in January. Went to my family doctor today, my blood pressure was really low, I've been so sick all day. He sent me for...
Hi I'm new here. I've recently gone thru several surgeries. In the beginning of Dec, I had to have repairs done for prolapses of the intestine, bowel and rectum (enterocele & rectocele). At the...