His colostomy is below the belt, left side. We asked our surgeon and the stoma nurse about irrigation and they both nixed the idea. At this point, he isn't interested in doing it anyway. We've been...
He had the colostomy on Jan. 21. It was doing well. The last surgery was for an obstruction-- 3 weeks ago Thursday. So, he'd been on our normal, vegan diet and was doing fine until the obstuction...
Hi, Thanks folks. Things are better this morning. He started passing gas last night and then stool again at about 4 AM. He was getting a little crampy yesterday but I suspect it was just because...
My husband had surgery for rectal cancer, late Jan. He lost his rectum, anus and has a colostomy. He was healing well and returned to work for one day, 2 months later. Then he went in for emergency...
Kitt, Do you have any experience with yourself or others with how long this withdrawal can go on? I was doing really well but today am having palpitations again and feel very agitated and anxious....
Hi Lyn, Are you not concerned that the meds might be causing the panic attacks? Have you read the link that Kitt gave? http://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/ There are some very interesting points in there....
Thanks, Kitt. Well, like I said, the apparent way that the docs and pharmacists felt was that I wouldn't have a problem using it intermittently. I am educating them! I do know the protocol now-- I...
Hi, I'm new and fairly new to forums period.... I have severe fibromyalgia; been diagnosed for 16 years (I'm 55). I've been on pain relief (T3 and then T4-- now on Oxycodone to avoid the Tylenol) and...