I think who you tell and what you tell are individual decisions. I decided to post my "story" on my Facebook page so that all of my friends there would know why I had been out of commission for so...
I have heard that if you have the TSA card and if you need to use the lavatory when the seatbelt sign is on, you can flash this at the flight attendant and they won't get so annoyed. Just keep in...
Yup, chewing ice is a primary sign of iron deficiency. I don't know why. I have had very low hemoglobin and have had iron infusions. Gosh, they make things much better and brighter. My pharmacist...
Post-op my back felt like it had totally seized up and that someone was squeezing the life out of my kidneys. I suffered for a long time, not sleeping well and in pain from my incision and my back. I...
I think I am worried that the wafer will become "un-stuck" and I will have an accident that can't be covered up (like in the pool). I am still trying to convince myself to have a long soak in the tub...
mushrooms, corn, nuts, dried fruit, potato skins, sausage casing, vegetables in Chinese stir fry, mangoes (pureed are OK), pineapple, celery and basically anything that does not mash down into a...
Were you able to go inside to a clean bathroom when you had to empty your bag? Did you have to restrict your diet at all to decrease the amount of stool you normally put out? I live in hope that one...
Thanks for all of the life affirming advice. It sounds like you have a great little community of supporters here. I had a colectomy for colonic inertia (basically it shut down completely) with...
I hear you all about what you hate. I hate having to go and empty my bag every 45 minutes after dinner (and sometimes in the middle of dinner). I hate being paranoid and ALWAYS checking my bag, but I...
If the rectum and bottom end of the colon are left in tact you will feel the need to have a bm every once in a while. The tissue down there secretes mucous and you will sometimes feel some pressure...