I talked to an ostomy nurse, whom with we have an appointment tomorrow, and she walked me through the application. It has now been on for 20 hours without leaking (fingers firmly crossed). Obviously...
He has a follow up on Tuesday with his surgeon and we have a home health nurse that comes out once a week. All in all, the physicians and the nurses have been completely under-knowledgable on...
The only things that have changed are the stoma size, it's healing and has shrunk a bit, and the skin is weaping. The tincture swabs are the correct sticky ones. His stoma is very flush and now with...
My brother has a 5 week old ileostomy and up till a couple of days ago he has been doing well with it. The wafers were lasting 3-4 days with no leaks. We have changed it 7 times today! The skin is so...