Dan, I've done a search on google yesterday to find out more about the procuct and how to use it. I am in SA and according to related articles BCT is similar to a local product "Turlington" or...
Polishdan, I am definetaly going to find out more about Benzoin Compound Tincture. Thank you for sharing that. Will keep you posted....
notsosicklygirl, Thanks for your feedback. I am not using the convex so yes, mine is flat. I contacted my stoma sister and she is now going to order it for me. I hope to find relieve. My stoma is so...
Eva Lou, It is a permanent end ileo. My colon was totally removed and due to previous radiation permanent damage was done to the small intestines. During removal of the colon the small intestines...
I had an ileostomy (Jan 2015) and everything was going well until recently. I'm having a rough time now with a absolute sensitive stoma that is so painful I can bearly touch it. It is very very...