Hi have spoken to the consultant and have finely made the decision to go with a stoma,however just wondering how you made the choice of bags and how do you cope at night? Also what about the low...
hi thanks for your advice I have a pre op assessment before the op so I will certainly ask some questions ! I live in the uk and we rarely get a chance to see another surgeon I think that if there...
Hi thanks for the info, I am now thinking that I would rather have a bag. But what are the pros and cons of this vs the other option. When I look on peoples posts they seem to have a lot of issues...
that's the one the surgeon advised as sub total, thanks at least I now know the proper name. But I still am not sure as to this or the total(with permanent bag),please advise me...
I have FAP and during my last colonoscopy they found some changes in a few of the larger polyps. As I am now getting older they have decided the risks are too high to keep the bowel. sub total is no...
Hi newbie here have just been advised that i need my bowel removed, however when I was in at the hospital the surgeon said i have a choice either sub total colectomy or a total colectomy. I have been...