my stoma from a colostomy sticks out 1/4 inch, looks like a tiny rose tatoo. For looks, its great, but messy for pooping,lol...
Had a end colostomy in feb 2018 and still do not poop unless i take mike of mag.....
update, 3rd day and same wafer still on, if i get 3 days it will be awesome, so happy !!! TYTYTYTYTY...
I had mine done going to ER for pain, was shipped to another hospital and 2 days later they did the surgery, BUT i only remember the day going in, as i had anesthesia Amnesia, was unaware of any...
THANK YOU Dan, ive only been with ostomy 4 months but been burning and itching the entire time, been told every trick in the book and tested wafer after wafer... until i read this thread i felt...