Hi Nikko, I take Biotin in tablet format, it's available in all good health shops. I've been told that you cannot really overdose on it, as your body uses what it needs and gets rid of the rest....
Hi Matt, Im the same as Shaz, I get my supplies for free in the UK. Lucky really because it would work out mega expensive otherwise!! Smiles...
Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Will! Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu! [img]/community/emoticons/yeah.gif [/b] Well you most probably won't be reading this on your...
Hi to the both of you!! /community/emoticons/smile.gif I hope you are both well. You've come to the right place. If your dad ever has any queries or just wants to let off steam (you'd be surprised...
Hi Vandgsmom, Ha! Had to laugh at the bit about being a Dr Phil lookilikey! I did have bald patches but not really severe, I'm noticing now how much hair fell out as it is being replaced by spikeys!...
Oh Meilandra, I love that idea, I'm from the UK so dont know what our alternative to that product is...I'll have to do some research. Sounds like a fab idea though. I always have to change my bag...
Hi Vandgsmom, My hair is starting to grow back now...(my stories right at the top of this thread.) It is growing back slowly. At the moment it is about 1 inch long and spiking up wherever the hair...
Hey harry, Wow, get you....tai chi, weight lifting and surfing!! I've gotta say you sound like a really cool guy /community/emoticons/cool.gif It does take a while to get used having a bag. Being a...
Hi Crazy Harry I go swimming pretty often. I just wear a tight band (wrap) over my bag to secure it in place. I think your idea of a wet suit is better though. The first time you go swimming is...
Hi Will, Sorry to hear your having trouble. I'm afraid I can't offer you any advise or experiences, but I hope you feel better real soon. Be thinking of you. Smiles....
Hi hollys mom, The size of my stoma varies, on some days it seems to have shrunk and others it looks substantially bigger than what I'm used to. This isnt unusual for me. I am used to the size...
Hi tired2, I empty my pouch around 4 times a day, once when I wake up, once later in the morning, in the afternoon and before going to bed. Because the motions are emptied straight into the bag now...
Hi tired2, I had my entire colon removed earlier this year. It wasn't necessarily through choice but more through neccessity. I have to say it was well worth it! I felt so much better after my...
Hi all, I've got a few questions I was hoping you could answer? I currently have a stoma - named nelly - as in the elephant that is always spouting!! /community/emoticons/yeah.gif I am coping great...
Hi holly, Well I had my entire colon removed, the cut was from my belly button and down about 5 inches. Have to say its healing well! The scars aren't too bad at all, I had dissolvable stitches. I...
Hi Fuzzy, Sorry to hear you've been through the same thing, I wouldn't wish it on anyone /community/emoticons/sad.gif Hope things are much better for you now and you're recovering well. I'll give the...
Hi guys, Thanks for your replies! I think im going to give that nioxin a try, and i think i might just go for the chop and have a cute little bob as well! Lifes too short, might as well enjoy it,...
I have just been told that other people have also suffered hair loss due to their colostomy surgery etc, rest assurred, I have been advised that the hair will re-grow (if there is such a word!!)...
I had my stoma formed in June of this year. The whole illness came as a shock in May, completely out of the blue! [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff> [color=#0000ff>