Resa, I'm sorry I forgot to ask how you were feeling. When is your surgery? I'll keep you in my prayers...I know it will be better for you. Phyllis, How are you doing? I hope your recovery has...
Originally he thought that leaving me some would keep me from having the poops all the time. It made sense to me at the time that 6" would help me keep control of my bowels, little did I know that he...
booty, everytime I see your screen name it makes me's quite creative I'm able to eat just about anything now, spinach and I had an early battle so I'm a little afraid of it now, I haven't...
Hey Tracy, I too came home with the "remarkably well" realease in only 3 days. My colectomy was on 12/14. I was lucky enough to have the stories in the forum to know not to trust that "eat what you...
hi everyone, Sorry, I haven't been in touch. I'm in the pitty pool right now. My surgery, which was on 12/14 was not as successful as I hoped! I've been struggling with signs since I came home from...
Hey Phyllis, That makes sense, I'll try taking less tomorrow and see if that helps. KLH...
Hey enpointe, I'm doing a little better today, the fluid seems to be shifting around a little. I haven't had a BM at all today, but my tummy is extremely active so maybe soon. Someone suggested that...
I'm so not feeling the thank goodness for the surgery yet, I'm a little scared that something's not right at the moment. When I hear all the incredible stories, I know it is everything I was hoping...
Hi everyone, I'm new to the "neighborhood" and hope that someone might have some thoughts for me. I'm 37, today actually, and just had a subtotal colectomy because of colonic inertia. I went in on...
Sorry it took me so long my girls came in. That's great you're feeling good. Was it hard adjusting? How did you handle going 20x a day? Were you weak? Were you able to eat enough to keep up?Gosh that...
oh good...okay maybe this is just the calm before the storm. All the fluid is making me a little concerned. I go to the doctor on Friday to have the staples removed hopefully things will begin moving...
Hi Phyllis, soft solid, but very small amounts. Is that bad? KLH...
Hi everyone, My colectomy was on the 14th and I'm already home!! The surgery went so smooth, I couldn't believe it. The only complication I had was my potassium level was very low going in to the...
Hi Sunshine Mom, Oh My Gosh! That's incredible. You definetely had an angel looking out for you. I saw my GI doctor on Thursday and was in for an endoscopy yesterday but I have to wait for my...
Hi Phyllis, I'm so glad to hear you have no regrets, and you sound like you're doing great. I hope you continue to get stronger and healthier and happier... I wish that for us all!!! Thanks for...
Hi Sunshine Mom, Thanks so much for your advice, I put a call into my doctor right after I read your note. My husband has been saying all along I should be taking it more seriously. Actually, I went...
Hi , I can't believe I found this site, well actually my husband searching for some understanding of my procedure found you...I am having a total colectomy December 14th and am hoping it will be the...