Hi everyone,Gogently, I have been back in the hospital regarding testing for my back pain! The pain medicine has really made me very weak! 8 weeks!! Unfortuntly during the testing they found two...
Tracy, Thank you so much! I cannot believe you are back to work! I am so hurting in my lower back and I did not have physical therapy! Thank you for your prayers! I hope your blood work gets better!...
Hi everyone! I have been reading everyones situations and amazed at all the diiferent problems that occur! I am 5 weeks and still feeling badly and homebound in my PJ's! Is that normal or am I just...
I have a quick question~I has a total colectomy 4 weeks ago and my doc is concerned about black diarherra has any one experienced this at all and should I go to him ASAP! Than you for your help! lam...
Hi everyone, It hs taken me a while to report! That was a hard surgery! I ended up in the hosp. 11 days and stayed with my parents 2 weeks and have just come home with my husband! In the surgery my...
Thank you for your suggestions and help!! I have surgery tom. and will check in asap! Thank you for your support! I will be in Dallas at Baylor hospital! I live in Austin !! Lam...
Ok thank you! what about the medicine that I am regularly taking? Can you tell I am scared because it is so close! They are 1) Billy 2)Rectal anastomosis 3) Ileoanal Anas 4) total left colectomy! Can...
Tracy I had a hysterectomy last year with major endom. nd a liver tumor they found that was benign! They ended taking part of the liver! I hope that was the last suprise in surgery! That recovery was...
Gogently my pre-op ws last week! I a going out of town to have this surgery where my parents live and will be there afterwards! I am going to bring my lap top and when I feel like I can I will be in...
Phyllis thank you so much for your help! Do you know where I can buy calmaseptine? Have you ever heard of Tucks for toilet paper? I am going to have diarrhea forever or will that subside with time! I...
Phylllis! Thank you for the suggestions for wha to eat! I have low blood sugar and do think it is possible to stay on a low sugar and low carb. diet? I love salads,vegtables and fish/chicken! Fruits...
Hi Gogently! My surgery is next Thursday Jan 11th! We can learn together! How long do you think we will be in the hospital! I so afraid and I need to keep praying this is the right decision! I'll...
Frassyone I am so sorry for all the trouble I am having my total colectomy less than a week and I have the same questions about what to eat! Could you tell m what upset you small intestines? That...
Thank you Phyllis~that will be so helpful lam...
Is there a way someone could suggest healthy soft foods that has worked for them! Also is there a big possiblity that I will throw up bile! Will my stomach and uppers legs be swollen? Is the pain the...
I am not sure how to go under that firum for total colectomy~can you help me Tk you Phyllis...
My colectomy is scheduled Jan.11 2007 lam...
Can someone help me with a few questions~I have has colonic inertia for years and am also having a rectal prolapse! I am 45 and a very active person and hope this will help me have a better quality...