hey, my first year is coming up with my colostomy and latley I have been thinking about it and I can't get it off my mind. Novemember 3rd, 2004 The day started out like normal but then I started to...
I always wanted to give my doctor a stoma haha. When the bag comes off and we change and clean it, thats when it hurts but otherwise it doesn't bother me. I have to live with my colostomy for the...
on Wednesday my home health aide and I were changing the colostomy and theres a bump under my stoma and it was there a few a months ago the doctor said it was extra tissue from the stoma and its...
I'm finding alot of new groups that are very helpful, I have other friends who are younger then I am that I have met on the net and I give them the links to the links that I find and I'll pass them...
hey there my name is Min I'm 22 years old I have a colostomy I wasn't able to use the bathroom so I had an a emergency surgery Novemeber 4, 2004 I also have cerebral palsy. I'm in support groups...