Hi You are one brave lady and I am glad you are now in a better place and feel like you are getting quality of life back! You also healed really fast considering what you had done and also active IBD...
Good Morning, Yes I am hoping that also! My crohns has been around for years now and like I said even when I have felt like I have been run over by a bus its never stopped me being me because I just...
Hi Yes I had major issues with my crohns and transit and being able to tolerate foods..... I am very slight as a result but I still got on with life as I knew it! I still went gym and yoga and I work...
Hi Thank you for teh repley and I agree I think it was only because of how hard I have been finding things emotionally and in life adjusting to my ileostomy! I was devastated why there was a tiny...
Hi I am 7 weeks post surgery and I must say life with a bag is emotional and I hate it but I understand I am in this until my reversal. Has anyone had this surgery due to a full thickness rectal...