gtmriviera-Thank you for sharing your DBS experience. It seems only logical that we all have a different experience as we are all individuals and so are our Drs. For instance, I suffered no pain,...
Rivera guy- I read about your upcoming DBS. I had the same procedure in Jan/07. I submitted my experience to this website. I'm willing to share more details if you want to know more about my...
This is in response to "Woman". First, I'm very sorry to hear about your problems, it must be very scary for you, and, of course, disappointing as well. I would be glad to tell you, in detail, about...
yekkimo-Thank you....
This is fo Ocean Woman who is considering a DBS. I have had Parki for 14 yrs. and in 2007 had the DBS procedure, after much research. It was an astounding success, reducing my symptoms to almost...