Hi Pearlinak, My mom does not act depressed just angry and wants to blame someone for her PD. I guess I get the brunt of it since I am the only child that wants anything to do with her. When she did...
maybe I should not have said a time of joy, but the fact that it will be a relief from the many things that I do for my Mom it will be a joy not to have to do them and to know that my mother will not...
Hello Strength, I really feel for you and know the frustration that you are enduring. I fully understand the time, resources, and personal strength that it takes caring for a member of the family...
Hello Nene, Thank you so much for your response to my post. I have my mothers name on a wait list for a care home. We have a few long term care homes here but many are lacking resources and all are...
Thank you very much....
/community/emoticons/confused.gif Hello All, I have a mother that has had PD for about[b] 7 years now. about two years ago I started to take care of her. Things went as good as can be expected....