Have you looked into clinical trials (maybe at uclla or ucsf)? Try using pdtrials.org...
A referral to a Speech therapist for a swalllowing eval would be a good place to start....
There is pain associated with Parkinson's disease. Unfortunately, many doctors do not believe this. If yours doesn't. you may want to suggest that a movement disorders specialist be contacted. I...
I have done a clinical trial. I think you will find that the care you receive is outstanding, You will also be furthering the understnading of the disease itself. They aare not without risks,...
Swallowing issues are not so uncommon with PD. I think the timing may be coincidental, although your programmer should be informed. I'm pretty new in this forum too. I've had PD for a very long time...
I'm surprised that the occupstional therapist at the rehab facility didn't supply any needed adaptive equipment that your mom needed. Maybe you could contact the facility and see what things they...
Your mom sounds depressed and her doctor sounds like he's not listening. Does your state offer respite care? Did the social worker at the hospital hook you up with any support for home? You may want...
DBS is a journey, not a destination. I had a bilateral placement at OHSU in Dec 2004. It was a disaster from beginning to end! I had one lead correctly repositioned in June of 2005 at Northwest...
I started taking Azilect as soon as it was available and the relief is subtle for me, but definitely an improvement. I have had PD for a very long time and have taken Sinemet since 1987. I have also...