Hi all. Been awhile since I posted. In the past I was looking for help regarding tremors and anxiety and depression. Wanted to let everyone know things are better. We pray alot and continue with our...
Thanks all for your replies. Things were going well but now there seems to be a bit of a setback. I'll keep praying, trusting in God and taking it one day at a time. His routine has been changed and...
Update on it all. Sis took pa to that doc in South Florida that does more natural remedies. Pa was doing really good. He cut his simenet to 4 x a day instead of 5. dose is 25/100. He then also...
Thank you for taking the time to share. I so appreciate it! I will do some research on it. He saw primary doc today and she is willing to start him with something else if we decide against the...
I will, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Wondering what your experiences have been on anxiety and depression meds (or any other programs, therapies for anxiety and depression) for any of you that are on any. Have you found them helpful? I...
Thank you, sounds like good advice and I'll check with my sis to see what type of a neuro they are seeing outside of the VA. Thanks again. JP...
Was just speaking of this on another post and wondered if anyone can recommend a good neurologist, or any other specialists, groups, etc in Florida. We are in the Central Florida area. I don't know...
Yes, we wanted more from a Neurologist than what he was getting at VA so now we are also consulting an outside one too but that just started recently. Though my sis takes care of things more on that...
Thank you so much!!! It is greatly appreciated from the heart. I feel better now going with the route of sticking to his old routine until I can look into it further. I just have no peace about all...
Forgot to mention. He was going to start the new meds for anxiety / depression today but I spent a good deal of the night doing the research and quite frankly, I was worried so I called him early...
Hi, my dad has been having anxiety and hasn't been sleeping well as his tremors have progressed. Along with his usual Car/Lev Parkinson's meds he was put on Lorazepam. The Lorazepam works wonders,...