Some folks have had luck with quinine as in tonic water Gin is optional lol...
I not sure but taken off the market in US for it causing deaths from too much dopamine aborbtion faulty patches...
Amantadine for me with sinemet and comtan helps with temmors Mirapex works well too but makes me very sleepy in daytime...
most people need 2 tabs...
It is very dependent on what protein you eat an hour before or after you take it I find that it takes 30 to 45 min to work if my offtime kicks in Comtan helps greatly in it's absorbtion and I find it...
I have a hard time staying asleep. Have had parkinson's for 7 years, Mirepex makes me sleepy in the daytime or driving. I take generic Ambien now It is addicting and expensive but it has few side...
I have had Parkinson's for 7+ years. I submited VA clain in early april by the electronic form and sent them documentation and Doctors reports. I had an exam in June at VA. Very short one by a PA So...