I heard that they have done more research and now people 25 and younger can get parkinsons is this true?...
I am not against stem cell research i think there being wasted and will be thrown away any way might at well use them to find a cure...
Wow when readind these stories I really felt moved and I am glad that your all not gving up. my favorite saying that i made up is when life brings you down to your knees dont give up. I also prayed...
Wow what a good experience. Family sure can build us up were facing problems and I am glad for my family....
I want to learn more about PD what are the symptoms besides shaking...
Is he taking his medication? My grandpa has trouble taking his meds he forgets a lot....
Yes i would go see a doctor about it. I do know that it is common with pd to have your feet stumble each other. its like being pigeon toed like me my feet go in and i tend to fall. I am sorry that...
I read his new book Always looking up it really inspired me to not give up in life even if a illness such as parkinsons trys to tear us down. I want to help find cures for diseases some day when i am...
first off I am very sorry that you have PD. I really want to learn more about it I want to help find cures for diseases some day. I know that your speech does get worse and I am sorry to know that it...
I dont think you can die from it. I just know that you shake a lot....