Hi Chantal, for the past year or so I've been getting toe cramping in both feet. Used to be only right side, my affected side. When it occurs in both feet, it's extremely painful and impossible to...
Also, does anyone with head pressure also experience facial muscle stiffness so bad that you can hardly speak and it's difficult to open your eyes? This is also something that goes along with the...
5 years after my last post on this, I'm sad to say I am still plagued with this head pressure. I happened to be searching again for an explanation for this symptom when I saw these recent posts. It...
Most everyone, including my neurologist, tell me I'm still in beginning stages of PD. All the docs and my physical therapist say my strength is very good. My balance is shaky at times and has led to...
Hi Epdrlra, Thanks for responding. It helps a lot to know that someone understands. I participate in a walk every year and I like the movers and shakers team name. I had "Let's get Movin" last year....
I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in Sept 2009 and just about 6 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I was ill over Christmas and then afterward started having joint pain...
I have been on topamax 50mg twice/day for about 2 months and the altered taste sensation is so terrible that I'm ready to go off of it. It' initially was a godsend to me becasue it was the only thing...
I am very happy to report that I have discovered, I believe, the cause of this head pressure. It seems to have been migraine related. I was at my wits end a few month ago and made an appt with a...
I was diagnosed 2 years ago. I've had very stiff neck muscles and a lot of head pressure, where it felt like my head was going to crack open. My neurologist, who is a movement disorder specialist,...
Hi bwell2day, My neurologist isn't really puzzled about the neck stiffness - more the head pressure., although he did say he sees less neck stiffness than stiffness of the extremities. I'm wondering...
I think it's great when someone finds the treatment at the onset that works well for them. Anyone who can go for years without meds or be on the same med for several years is truly blessed. Having...
Hi Spirit, I don't get on very often either - I sit in front of a computer all day at work and the last thing I want to do is get on the computer at home. But it's the holiday weekend , , ,. So far...
Hi Polishdan, When I was first diagnosed, I was on requip alone. It helped me walk better, but did nothing for the tremors. My first neuro had me keep increasing the dose up to 18mg/day. It was way...
Hi Spirit, Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. It really helps to know that, although like you said, I wouldn't wish this on anyone. How far into your diagnosis did this start for you? I...
Hi Ed, I've been diagnosed for almost 2 years and have recently been experiencing toe curling on the right side, which is my affected side. It happens in the morning before I take my meds, but it's...
Hi all, Thank you for your replies and suggestions, mostly for your support. I haven't replied till now because we've been busy with planning our daughter's wedding and it's been crazy here! Four...
les390, I"m on several meds, and was on azilect for a while. My doctor told me not to be concerned for the most part about what I ate - he said most of the dietary restrictions were unnecessary. I'm...
Hi Curepd, The azilect did not help me, either. The doctor said it's actually ok to take it with the antidepressant, but he told me to go off ot it anyway since it's not helping. He's a movement...
Dear all, I think the best you can do for your loved ones with PD is to be patient and to remember that, no matter how they look or act, they are still the same person they always were, just with...
Hi curepd, I'm on Sinemet 25-100, ropinirole, amantadine, comtan, lodosyn, for PD and lexapro for depression. I was on Azilect once/day, but went off it when I found out it shouldn't be taken along...
Thanks to both of you for replying. I had an MRI prior to diagnosis in early 2009 and then again July of 2010 when I was admitted for 3 days with symptoms of stroke, which was ruled out. It just...
I am new to this forum and have actually never done anything like this online, but I'm desperate to know if anyone else with PD has experienced this. I was diagnosed with PD 1-1/2 years ago. One of...