Psychologically, it was a great success. Had to rely on those cursed rings, but thank god for the VED! No bleeding at all, BTW. Pumped a bit, injected, fooled around, then pumped and banded. Quicker,...
It's been a while since my last comment, and I still haven't tried the trimix/VED combo. Frankly, your "bleeding" remark freaked me out, since I sure didn't want to risk any more damage down there....
The last suggestion makes sense. Thanks for the heads up about the possibility of bleeding. I have an aversion to penile disasters....
Has anyone had any success taking low doses of trimix and augmenting with a VED? I would think it would work well, but I've stayed away from injections since my second priapism episode. Thanks....
Thanks to all of you for your thought-provoking responses. I posted a reply before letting your wisdom and gentleness sink in; I hope you didn't get a chance to read it before I had the presence of...
This is my second post, first new thread. Let me just plunge right in. Since my surgery last December, my wife has lost her sex drive. We had a highly active sex life prior to surgery, and I...
Krisp, I just found this site today, so I haven't much experience with the forum or the protocol. Since I had prostate surgery just 3 months ago, I'm also something of a noob when it comes to...