cazoo, Don't sell yourself short. You have enough strength to reach out to this support group who are here for you. Nobody can know the wretchedness of this disease unless they've been there. It can...
Well this is my second day on Wellbutrin 300mg. Perhaps it is just wishful thinking but it seems my mood is a little better. Bowel problems persist but I never know if it is a symptom of depression...
cazoo, Welcome and thanks for your post. This is my fourth horrible experience. Maybe i should have stayed on the paxil or something longterm, but I was feeling better for a year or two and went off...
Hello all, Has anybody had success with natural alternatives such as L-Triptophan, L Tyrosine or 5 HTP which are supposed to help produce seratonin and dopamine. If you did please tell me the...
Thanks for response Jamie, It really is trial and error and that is part of the frustration and wretchedness as you come off and try something else. Has anybody you know had success with L Triptophan...
HI RAY, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORTIVE RESPONSE. My surgeon thinks I may have internal hemmerhoids as well as normal healing discomfort. I see my family doctor on Sept. 14th and will ask for his...
Thanks for responding. Depression is bad enough without trying to figure out what med or combo is going to be effective. Doc says these two can be taken together. I am hoping for some releif soon....
Hi Folks, I'm new to the forum but familiar with the rectal discomfort/heaviness/pain issue. I had laproscopic surgery about 3 weeks ago and have trouble with constipation, and that seems to...
Hello I am new to this site but not to depression. This is my 4rth wretched round. Am on Paxil -40-60 mg and have started Wellbutrin 150 LX Any help for constipation and has anybody else found help...