anyone know how much it cost them for a biopsey and how much the surgery cost ??/...
can anyone recomend a good urologist in the san bernadino, orange county or LA area?? let me know if you have one thanks,...
anyone have an idea what the costs are for a biopsy also the cost for surgery if needed ???...
hi selmer, they gave me the pics of the scan they took so i can take them to a doctor, the nodule is marked on it with a measurement but it doesn't look like anything to me ? but then again i...
thanks for the info I am seeing a gp tommorow and see if he can refer me to a urologist in the area, thanks again...
sorry the psa test was 0.6 not 0.06...
when i got the psa test it was 0.06 dont know how good that is ??...
there was a company doing ultrasound and body scans in the area i live so i thought i would have it checked because i was approaching 50, i also sent off a blood sample to a company last year that...
hi billy mac and piano how did you guys find out you had prostate cancer did it start with a nobule or some thing else?...
thanks bill its a real worry as you will know, i will get some more advice from a doctor thanks again...
thanks for the reply i haven't seen a doctor yet not sure if i should see a doctor or a urologist ? i just moved to the area and dont have a doctor yet ,thanks again for the reply...
i had a prostate ultrasound done and the results say my prostate size and contour is normal but says " few calcifications seen within prostate. there appears to be a possible nodule like structure...