Hi Tall guy, Swelling and tenderness can be a sign of an infection. Don't wait too long seeing your urologist. Good luck...
While there are certainly a number of people who are helped with the Advance sling. There are more and more urology journal articles that are showing poor outcomes. Including sizeable percentages of...
Bronson, I notice that the doc claimed greater than 5 year follow-up with the Advance sling. The product was launched in August 2006 (without any clinical study data). There are no studies that have...
Dear Bronson, I work in urology and would be surprised if any urologist anywhere in the world has done 1000 InVance slings (and certainly not in Canada). This product never became very popular...
Make sure your urologist also explains the pro's and con's of the Advance sling (as well as providing experience on his/her experience with the device). There have also been reports for this device...
Hi John, There is an FDA website where issues with devices are reported: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfMAUDE/search.CFM. Just type Coloplast in the manufacturer space. You will...