Well I finished adjunct RT yesterday, 38 days, 68 gys. Time to get on with my life!So now what? I have a follow up apt in 3 mths where I'll get a psa test My Dr. does not do the ultra sensitive test,...
Squid Your symtems sound just like mine.I finished 38 treatments 68gys yesterday.After the first week my sick feelings went away then it was just fatigue which has me on the couch for 2 or 3 hours...
Well GOOD NEWS I got my Hopkins bill for the assistant surgen and low and behold they accepted the ins companys adjustment!!!Bill $6,296. Ins pmt recieved $32.15,Adjustment - $6,242.42 Amt due now $...
Well I didn't make much progress trying to figure my bill out from Johns Hopkins I have never recieved a bill from them for the Assistant Surgen.I just got my Ins. statement on the bill.I did see...
Well I'm on day 20 of RT today and had a little blood on toilet paper sat and a good bit of blood in the toilet yesterday am.I was warned by my Dr that this could happen.Does anyone have experience...
Well I'm sitting at my desk getting all my bills statements etc. out to look at the whole situation. I'll report back. DICK...
Alf I do take the time to pull over if I'm driveing,but if my wifes driveing I go any time necessary.I stop 1 hr before RT and empty my bladder then drink my 1 liter in the next 30 min. DICK It is...
Alf I,m driveing my camping van which has a toilet, it is really makeing the 2 hr trip easyer.As far as the clamp its not really that bad and I am used to leaking. DICK...
All Hopkins is out of network for me.When I was diagnosed by my local Uralogist, he would not give me a referal to hopkins as a medical necessity.As a result I decided to spend the extra money.In...
I just got a statement from my insurance company.It was for the Assistant Surgen the bill was $6,296.The ins code was EE Assistant surgen's fee limited to reasonable and customary.Covered $53.58 x...
Alf Sounds like things are goiing OK. I'm on day 18 of 38.For me the leg lift to let them remove the foam form is the worst.Full bladder and incontence makes it hard, I switch to a big pad on the way...
Tim They cathaterized my to put in contrast for the cat scan,then they put a clamp on to hold it in.Then!!! they took a big syringe and filled my urethera up if that wasn't bad enough, after the scan...
Cajon Jeff Its like Purgatory said.My pathology bumped my chance of reaccurance up and from my reasearch, and Dr Allen Partins advice I decided to proceed with the RT now as opposed to waiting for...
I had my first post surgery psa 4-10-10 the nurse called me and said it was 0.1. I,m at day 8 of adjunct RT today and asked my Dr about the psa it wasn't 0.1 it was <0.1 and below the detectable...
Tim I started adjunct radiation therapy last tuesday.My Dr said no antioxadents as you want the cells to be week during treatment.I decided to drop all supliments during treatment although I am...
Well I just got home and I feel fine I took your sugjestion on 1 liter and it seems the right amt.Its hard to believe haveing just a bit of your bowel zaped can have such an effect.At 1 liter though...
Thanks for he coments its 10:30 and I'm just leaving work to go home and leave for 1:00 apt.It makes for a long day .Now I need to work on full bladder stratagy. DICK...
Well friday was day 4 of adjunct radiation therapy.I didn't expect any side effects yet, but I have been tired and a little nausea also a metalic taste in my mouth.I didn't have a full bladder the...
Mel I've been on generic 80 mg zocor for a few years.I've been takeing Co-Q-10 the whole time also.An enzime supplement that some people feel is important.Since my surgery 1-23-10 I was not good...
Alf Good luck with your treatments. I to am starting soon, line up next thursday, then start treatments 4-13.I'm makeing little if any progress with incontenence [6 pads a day] and worry about...
Floyd I'm at 7 weeks and my leaking is similer to yours.I may be noticeing a small difference,or I may be dealing with pads better I'm not sure which.I use a pad with a depend, I have also been...
Tim you might get an inflatible donut for the ride home.I didn't get one until 2 weeks and it really helped I just quit sitting on it last friday at 6 weeks DICK...
Mel I have the same report as you, gleason 3+4=7 and focal positive margins.I've decided to go with the adjunct radiation at 3 mths.[april 13]I just want to be done with it.So far it hasn't been to...
JB71 I'm starting radiation april 13 and will have a 200 mile [100 each way] drive, we did it 8 years ago with our son and it turns into about a 5 hour day.I am thinking about trying to get...
Worried Guy I would have a hard time measuring liquid volume as most ends up in the pad.Even when I get up and walk to the bathroom I leak until I start to pee.As I'm getting around a bit more I'm...
Well I seem to leak less with no coffee but I sure do miss it.Do you think its the caffine and decaff would be OK?I found out about beer last night I drank 2 and they went right through me! Dick...
J B I'm starting adjunct radiation on April 13 which is about 11 weeks after surgery.I'm getting 68 gys over 38 days, my onocologest said he could do it over a little shorter period of time if I...
Jeff I'LL e-mail you after this post.I was getting discuraged about the leaking yesterday, I knew that coffee was on the bad list but I could'nt start the day without it .I was drinking 1 mug...
Well I've got my adjunct radiation scheduled starting 4-13-10 which is about 11 wks post surgery.My surgen said 3 months to allow healing from the surgery,the radiation onocologest seemed to want to...
My Dr had me remove the catheter myself.It wasn't much fun, it didn't really hurt but just the thought of it made it tough.I was given Cipro for three days starting the day before.I'm now at 28 days...
has anyone seen data on how specific radiation delivery and amt[Gcy] affects outcome? DICK...
Hi All I've got an update on my search for adjunct radiation after my surgery .I've talked to 2 centers and they do different doses.My local cancer center does IMRT 66cy over 33 days and WVU hospital...
medved you were right about Alan Partin Dick...
Sephe My Dr who's quite the statustition said with my biopsey and stage pT3a there was a 40% chance of recurance and his current stats show beiing able to reduce the 40% by 2/3 with adjunct radiation...
good luck towers I'm 19 days past surgury and just starting to feel normal.It is a great feeling haveing the prostate gone. The recovery was more of an inconvenience than anything else.I wish I'd had...
Hi David & James thanks for the reply.My catheter and staples came out monday of last week .My Dr had me remove the catheter myself that was quite an experience. his directions were rotate the tube...
Hello I'm new and looking for some infomation.My psa was 5.4 in november so I had a biosey and had a Gleason of 3+3=6 and 3+4=7. I went to johns Hokins on 1-22-10 an had a Radical Prostatectomy.My...