Had prostatectomy done in 2010 and since then my PSA has always been less than .01 Just got a new blood test back and PSA was .06 After my prostatectomy I had no chemo or radiation as no cancer was...
i just retired from a job that required speaking engagements and managing people. I credit lexapro with helping my anxiety along with the traveling requirements. Without that stress now I'm wanting...
One year ago yesterday I had a radical prostatectomy and since I used this site prior to my operation I thought it would only be right to fill everyone in what the last year has been like: The first...
I had blood in urine off and on into the 5th week. I noticed blood (bright red) just as I was finishing. Thought about calling dr but eventually it went away....
I'm a little ahead of you. Took 7 days after cath removal before I could pee a stream. I also get sharp pains couple times a day through penis along with air bubbling threw penis end also. Saw the...
Thanks so much for all the responses. It really helps to have so many people trying to get me through this. After reading the responses I feel i may be having some type of reaction to my new...
What should I expect? Had da vinci prostatectomy 13 days ago. Gleason 7 with no indication of cancer elsewhere. Great news but wandering when I will get urine control back. Presently, have to sit on...