English Alf, I have had the same sensations you are talking about. I have actually took my shoes and socks and felt the bottom of my feet to see if they were swollen because of the way certain spots...
Orchyd, Im my case, when I was one week post op I had been home for 2 days and was on a walker. During that time I gained more feeling in my lower leg and feet. Wednesday (7-07-10) will be 3 months...
Thanks Brainsurgeon and Michael for you post. My experience sound very similar to that of Brainsurgeon and now at 3 months post surgery, my legs are still weak along with the burning and numb spots...
Thanks to all for your post. My symptoms are like the explanation posted by Steve in Dallas. When I woke from RRP, from my thighs down on both legs had the same sensation as if you sit on your foot...
Since my surgery on April 07, 2010 I have had problems with numbness and burning in my feet which had been diagnosed as neuropraxia or nerve damage from the amount of bend that my back was put in...