Hi Yooper Our statistics are similar. I was diagnosed with PC in November 2011. Initial biopsy indicated 3+3 in 7 of 12 cores, with 5 to 70 percent involvement. I requested a second opinion...
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer last November. My first initiative was to join this forum. I was grateful to quickly receive several thoughtful responses from forum members. I started the...
Thanks for the response. I'll probably meet you during my 4 day consultation/simulation visit later this month. Glad to hear that a small on-site gym is available at the apartment complex. Good...
I will also be in Jacksonville for four days in January. I am combining the "consultation" and "simulation" in one visit. My wife and I will be staying in an apartment complex about a mile from the...
Bostwick recently processed my 2nd opinion biopsy results within 5 business days, and promptly faxed and mailed the results to my urologist. It took another 4 days before the "office staff" could...
Steve: Thanks for your post. I have scheduled both consultation and "simulation" beginning January 17th at Univ of Florida Proton Center. Hopefully, I'll be a good candidate. Jimmy42...
Thanks Steve. I intend to get a 3rd opinion from Johns Hopkins, even if it comes out of my own pocket!. Too much at stake here. Jimmy42...
Thanks for the response. My last PSA was 2.7, not 10 plus. I plan to seek a 3rd biopsy opinion from Johns Hopkins, as some on this forum have suggested. Maybe then I'll feel more comfortable about...
I have now. A controversial subject, for sure. Thanks for the link. Jimmy42...
After reading the importance of a having 2nd opinion, I requested that my biopsy be sent to Bostwick Labs. The original pathology was done at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). I...
HI Jim: It's reassuring that urgency, if experienced, is usually a short term effect. I won't mind taking Flomax, but giving up caffeine and beer would be a challenge! I have not read your...
Hi David: Yes, we live in Pawleys Island, SC. MUSC in Charleston is best equipped to handle prostate issues. Charleston is about 70 miles away - an easy drive during the daytime. Jimmy ...
I met with my urologist yesterday (Dr. Savage) at MUSC (Medical University of South Carolina) to review the results of my biopsy. Of 12 cores sampled, 7 tested positive - Gleason score 6. Percentage...
Hi Dude 1969 I'm actually 66. I just picked 42 since it coincides with my street address. Anything that will help me remember my user name! I have an appointment on Monday to see my urologist. I've...
Hi Jim: I just finished reading your brachytherapy experience post. Thanks very much for the link. It was informative, and reinforced my initial inclination for a non-surgical treatment strategy....
WOW! What a group of caring people you are to respond with so much thought to my diagnosis. I am overwhelmed, and thank-you very much. I'll know much more about my particular situation after my...
This is my initial post, as I have just been notified by my doctor that I have Prostate Cancer. The biopsy revealed a gleason score of 6. My most recent PSA was 2.9. Free PSA was 13.1. The DRE exam...