Hi Ein, My dad went through a similar set of doing tests, getting phone calls with the results, and waiting for appointments with DRs, and then the decision to do more tests. My dad had two spots in...
Hello All! Just wanted to post a quick update to end this thread. I heard yesterday that my dad has decided to go the "HT + Radiation" route! (the exclamation is for him having made a decision, not...
Hi Stacy, You have received a lot of great information from many of the most well-informed, helpful people on this site. The tone of your first few posts brought me back to how I was feeling about a...
Medved - great suggestion abuot asking Doc 2 what he would recommend BESIDES the clinical trial! And i truly do appreciate the advice about letting my dad make his own decision. I absolutely agree....
I will add his age to my signature. He is 60 and in good health (no other serious health issues). He has been on 50mg of casodex (the generic version) since Dec 19th (when they thought it had...
Thanks southern comfort! You raise a really good point about not being able to receive HT in the clinical trial. I'll have my mom follow up on that. Moderators, I edited my post to remove the actual...
edited in hopes of getting a response: My parents visited both the Cleveland Clinic and OSU this week. They had two great visits, finding both very informative and helpful. They liked both doctors...
7 weeks?!?! i'm hoping you meant to type 7 days . . . it seems that there is some slight differences across drs regarding appropriate protocol but i have't read it taking 7 weeks anywhere. thanks...
Compiler and co, Thanks so much for this thread. I'm working on helping my mom compile a list of questions for my Dad's visits to both Cleveland Clinic and Ohio State next week and this provides an...
Thanks for all the great input / advice / optimism & hope everyone! We have made some progress since my post earlier this week. Monday night my dad started taking bicalutamide, with the intention of...
Good news! My dad just went back to his urologist today. He did NOT get his first shot. The Dr. has now decided he wants to do a bone biopsy of the hot spots on his clavicle and upper arm, and...
Thanks for all the kind words, offers of advice and help. I'll take everything I can get these days! Harriett, it sounds like your dad has a very similar story to mine. At this point we are all...
its interesting to hear the different experiences. For clarification, my dad is only taking 50mg, and will have taken it for 4 days (not 3 as I initially stated) at the point when he receives his...
Can anyone provide more insight regarding the suggestion mentioned in the below excerpt: (from the "MaleCare Recurrent Prostate Cancer" book thank's to Joel's recommendation): At least ten (10) days...
Understood moderator. Thanks for the nice warning! JohnT, thanks so much for the recommendation. I actually did a quick google search and it looks like he is in Charlotte, NC now (Levine Cancer...
Thanks for the suggestion Nellie. I will definitely research it more and put it on the list of questions my parents should ask at their next meeting with the dr!...
Thanks again for all the responses. ChrisR, can you provide more details regarding your comment? What made your friends/family/acquaintances/other forum members that you've read comments from have...
thanks for such quick replies. I agree that this set of facts seems rather unusual. At first, the Dr. was thinking that the CT/bone scan results were just some sort of fluke, he asked my dad if he...
I'm in need of some quick advice regarding potential treatment locations for my father's situation. The details: (apologies for some of the fuzziness of the details, l live across the country and get...