Hello All.....I do not think that I will visit this site for awhile, hurts too much now. Reliving all of the situations and issues that have happened during our PC journey is to overwhelming to...
It is with a very sad heart and tear filled eyes that I make this post. My very, very strong, diligent husband and PC Warrior has left this life and has claimed victory over this terrible disease and...
Hello myhero, my husband has had 9 platelet, and, and or blood transfusions. He was told that he should feel the results with 24 hours. Fatigue should be less and maybe a little more energy,...
I sent this message(via e-mail) to the wonderful folks who have e-mailed me sweet and encouraging words of comfort and peace, but also wanted the rest of you kind and dear folks to read this message...
Hello All..... Haven't posted lately because there isn't much going on with us anymore. Since hospice started 04/03/2015, our journey has slowed down tremendously. I don't know what I expected with...
Susan,so sorry, but I know he's no longer in pain and fatigued. My husband was put on hospice this past Friday and I feel your pain. I watch as he deteriorates daily, he's just a hollow frame of the...
Hi quincy17........haven't been on lately.....husband was put into hospice this past Friday.... Can't remember if your bone scan had "spots" in the sacrum area, but that could be the...
Husband was on Xofigo and we were told that for the first 12 hours after injection that he was not to get in contact with his pets, or children (IE, sit on his lap, etc). After that time limit was...
Tall Allen....this great news for PC folks.....Xofigo was and is a good treatment if you can continue keeping your platelet counts up, I believe the same is true with this new treatment (platelet...
Hello Ladies..... Those of you whose husbands are going on Jevetana....there was a thread, "Jevtana and beyond". I posted on it as well as the one who created it (Gizzy'n me) Rob (he has passed away...
Hello All.....too many folks to try to name everyone. Wow, you all have been so sweet and kind with all of your words of encouragement and understanding, I do appreciate them. Thought I'd update on...
Husband had bone biopsy, He was not given enough sedation so he did feel the pressure and it was uncomfortable for him, and a little soreness for a few days after. Recently had a bone marrow biopsy...
Hello quincy17... My suggestion would be to continue on this thread with your additions, or if you start another use the same verbiage but say Part II or add your name, so this information from this...
Just updating this thread on our journey with PC: After battling this disease for 15 years,it has progressed to become Stage IV Advanced Metastatic Prostate Cancer (has metastasized to his bones), he...
Hello...thought I'd chime in on this thread,,,,, Husband was on Xtandi for 10 months with little side effects. Fatigue is usually always a side effect if you are on hormone therapy and any other...
Hello everyone, thought I would chime in as well... I post mostly on the Xofigo/Radium223 and Caregivers thread. Husband was on Xofigo until ready to do the fifth injection, but his blood counts were...
Doctor visit again. Our latest news was not good. Platelet's still dropping, now it is down to 19,000. Nurse practitioner & medical oncologist suggested a bone marrow biopsy, after a platelet...
How sweet and thoughtful, making us our own thread......but it is also sad, because we may not make it to the next one. Our latest news was not good. Platelet's still dropping, now it is down to...
Loudy.....Since I'm not a medical person, I really can't override what his doctor's R recommending. Is he allergic to morphine? That seems to me (again, not a medical person), to be an alternative....
quincy17...like to give answers if I am knowledgeable enough or just reply to a question. It help's the other party to know that people are interested and ready to be supportive.....sometimes that's...
Update: Blood transfusion on 01/23/2015. Two units of red blood cells. Was told that he should start to fell better in 24 hours. Don't think that he is feeling any better. His vitals are doing fine...
quincy17...I started a thread Xofigo when husband started on it in August 2014....."Starting Xofigo/Radium223". I have posted comments every time he recieved an injection (four). He hasn't been able...
No good news again....waiting for platelet counts to go to 20,00 or below, red blood count already low enough for blood transfusion, but wanted to do platelet and blood in one shot, so will wait...
Hello all...... Just read some of the comments from the thread "How Many Wives Get Depressed". This thread was started back in 2006. Wonder if the original folks are still around and posting.....are...
Teresaxx1961, my husband was on Xtandi from January 2013 to October 2013. PSA went down but then climbed, so that was when we went to Jevtana. You must be from the UK or Canada, I think there is...
Just another update....postponing the 5th injection of Xofigo again (2nd time) platelet count down to 32,000 as of this past Friday (January 16), Will not get injection until platelet is above...
radsgrrl22 (Susan), e-mail me and lets talk.......okay? We both have the same feelings of frustration mixed with worry & concern & feeling guilty because of those emotions. Thinking that we aren't...
Thanks Jerry....I'm hoping for the same....and no transfusion. How's the weather up there....we had 4 degrees last week.......burrrrrrr! sal...
Just checking in....doesn't seem like a lot of conversation on this thread lately.......here is what I posted on the thread "Xofigo/Radium223" today. Haven't been able to update signature because of...
Just updating .... Husband was to get his 5th injection on the 15th of this month (January), however his platelets levels were only 39,000 (normal levels are: 142 to 424) and we may have to put this...
Sorry to hear that news...... If you want to you can see the thread "Jevetana and Beyond" that was started by a good PC patient who is now a good & blessed Angel....it gives his and my husbands...
Okay.....I'm not one of "the guys", I'm one of the Lady Warriors and when husband was diagnosed in 1999, he was absolutely devastated. We did not have as much information available as there is now....
4th injection this afternoon (12/18/2014) and 2 more to go. PSA has been going down until this last result which was 83.9 up from 62.4. Expect rise and not going to be upset....need to take the bad...
PreacherMan12....check my thread that I began when Ted (husband) started on the Radium223/Xofigo. Named: Starting Xofigo/Radium on 09/25/2014.......very few side effects.......we go tomorrow...
moonlitnight.....if you read the signature below you will see what all husband has been on during our PC journey. I understand from a couple of oncologist that enzalutamide (Zytiga) may work when...
Hello Caregivers one and all....... Yes, we all live in the "land of PC" and all of it's side effects, up's and downs's, etc. Sometimes there is a "lull" where it seems that you are in a "time...
Had 3rd injection on 11/13/14 a day after husband's 70th birthday. There have been no side effects to mention from this treatment, except the never-ending fatigue and lose of strength. Otherwise, he...
Okay ladies.........this is where we can "vent" and it helps, even though we are crying most of the time that we are writing on this thread....at least that is what I do when I am in that "dark...
Husband received call today to reschedule October's appointment....yea! New appointment 11/13/14. New batch of medication must be on it's way! sal...
Good news....Xofigo 3rd injection has been scheduled for 11/13/14.............after canceling the one in October 23rd......due to contamination of medication. Latest lab resultants were potassium and...
It's so nice to have good news with no "buts" added......always make plans, don't just stop.....you have to continue having "dreams"....what's life if we don't have "dreams"? sal...
Well, I see a lot of conversation has been going on since my last posting on 10/03/14. I'm sorry you all are here and it's not the best place to be at times, but sometimes it's a little comforting to...
Just an update, that we have no update, except for the lab and PSA levels.........3rd injection that was scheduled for 10/24/2014 has been postponed due to "shortage" of the Xofigo. Have checked all...
Hello Fnp256....sorry that you are on this forum, but glad you found it....it is a wealth of information and knowledgeable guys who can and do provide first hand information.... I have benefited from...
deannakay....you will see by my signature exactly how long we (husband & myself) have been on this journey, since November of 1999. We have gone through the whole gambit, surgery, radiation, hormone...
Minimal side effects.....some times aches and pains in joints (take an Aleve). Check the web site and see what else is noted. Our thinking (husband & mine) on this subject is, that any type of...
I have called the Xofigo number listed on their web site (855-696-3446), spoke with a representative, Dawn, who verified that Bayer is experiencing a shortage of up to 2 weeks or could be beyond....
Just received a call from Radiation Oncologist (Tennessee) office cancelling the lab and injection appointments for this month (October), hate that this is happening.....missing the 3rd injection....