Thanks Marie & Allen, I'll look at the clinical trial and ask my Uro about intermittent Rx, I like that idea :)...
Thanks folks! The feedback, ideas, and comments are encouraging and greatly appreciated. Bless you all, Frizzle...
Thanks Mel, Never thought of a "vacation", I'll have to run that by my Uro and look forward to it! Frizzle...
Hi Gents, I've been off Lupron, which was keeping my PSA in check at 0.0, since 7/2013, had a followup in 12/2013 and it was at 0.9 and most recently, 3/2014, at 3.2. I have a followup next week and...
Peter, I have an Osbon ErecAid Esteem. Any idea of its effectiveness? Thank you!...
It's truly encouraging to know I am not alone! The loss of libido hasn't bothered me but now that it's starting to return... Anyway, you're right, it's a small price to pay and my wife lost her...
Never heard this might linger for a year but I'm holding on to that and wasn't aware that I could have my T checked. I'll look into that at the next appt. Thanks Gents!...
Just finished a 1 year round of Lupron this past July and am still having hot flashes, although they seem to be slowly subsiding in intensity. Is this common? During the year I did not use the VED,...
Hi Gents, Thanks so much for your posts and information, I can't express how grateful and relieved I am to find this resource. And, to get some confirmation that I seem to be on a good Rx path. The...
Completed salvage radiation therapy 9/15/12 and only lingering side effect is frequency of urination, about every hour, radiologist said it should get better in 2-6 weeks but it seems to be...