My TURP is finally beginning to work. Now urinating well through my urithita when my block is in my tube. Will my urinating through my urithita get even better once I remove my cubic catheter all...
I had the TURP done, hoping this would open up my uritheta so I could urinate through it (penis). Which I still couldn" had the pubic catheter put in which handled my emptying my bladder. I...
I have a pubic catheter...I am now beginning to urinate through my urithita (penis) while my pubic catheter is hooked up and not being blocked. Is this normal?...
My prostate is 92.2....perhaps a Davinci P. is the answer for me too. Thanks.......
I had cancer spread to my pelvic....currently on Lupron, Xgeva and Casadex. Looking for answers on how I can urinate normally from my urithita (penis) again and if it's possible and how...
I made my first attempt to beging urinating through my uriithita rather than my pubic catheter. I am currently working on correcting prostate cancer problems. My enlarged prostate created urinary...
ARTEESTO... My biopsy report is back....I have prostate cancer that also spread to the pelvic urologist has me on hormones....he confidently says he can put my cancer in remission. Sad that...
I am onlly getting a few dribbles out of penis after switching back to urithita urination from pubic catheter. How long before I will get full urination stream back?...
I had a full body bone scan last week. My PSA is 78. The HOT SPOTS showed up in my pubis bone area and one in my lower ribs. I had a biopsy last Monday and results not back yet. The biopsy will show...
I am 77....In a two year period, my PSA went from 5.7 to 7.6 to 20 to 40.2 and now 78. Is this any help on your question of my age and previous PSA readings....
Had a biopsy Monday..PSA 78. Is it possible for my report when it comes back next Monday to show no cancer. If so, what can cause such a high PSA other than prostate cancer?...and is it treatable?...
Almost 3 months ago I had TUNA prostate surgery to reduce my prostate.(A hot needle through my urithita to remove prostate tissue.) Today I had a prostate biopsy. When I had the TUNA, my prostate was...
I am currently on a pubic catheter and also on flomax. Will I ever be able to switch back to the proper way to urinate...through my penis?...
I'm 77...The only test I ever had was ULTRA SOUND that shows no malignancy in my prostate. I've had a very high psa for over a year now, but figured it was because of my enlarged prostate (bph) or I...